Age Slow - Live Long

Ageing has been a synonym for reduced health and energy through history. This is now being seriously challenged with new science treating ageing at a cellular level.

Working with world leading scientists, we have done our research and would like to share our work in order to make people around us in great health, today and tomorrow.

We believe that insights through diagnostics paired with lifestyle recommendations and supplements is the key to boost everyones chances to a long healthy life.

  • Chapter 1. Measure your biological Age for insight in your actual health status

    Track your pace of aging to get valuable insights in your overall health. Our Biological Age test is based on "Phenotypic Age", which was developed to more accurately measure biological aging and predict mortality risk, healthspan, and lifespan compared to chronological age alone. The biological age gives you an understanding of your actual health status of today.

  • Chapter 2. Discover the essential longevity routine to slow down your pace of aging

    Many people think that life expectancy is largely determined by genetics.

    However, genes play a much smaller role than originally believed. It turns out that environmental factors like diet and lifestyle are key. Our Longevity protocol provides you with actionable guidance on how to improve your biological age test results through lifestyle changes.

  • Chapter 3. Improve Your Healthspan and Lifespan With a Natural and Proven Formula

    When our DNA is copied time and time again it loses information and gets damaged. This damage leads to ageing and disease. Vitalic Supplement 1 targets the cellular mechanisms to delay the effects of ageing altogether. Vitalic is backed by rigorous research and the formula combines key ingredients to increase Immunity, cognition, energy, metabolism and
    maintain healthy DNA.

  • Iris age 42

    "I have never thought of life to be an ending act. But having children and turning 40 made me think forward. I found Vivmetrics longevity protocol by chance! Thanks to that I now have the insights how to optimise and hopefully prolong my life with many years".

  • Sofia age 51

    "Testing my biological age made me realize that lifestyle chioces are optional - so is healthy and long life. My test result was the trigger to start acting. I take Vitalic Supplement 1 but most importantly I have made changes to my diet, and it has had such impact."

  • Stefan age 45

    "I've never believed in supplements before. But the Vitalic Supplement 1 have actually given me more energy and less brain fog in the end of the day. Placebo or not, it works!"