Answers to frequently asked question

What does Longevity mean? 

Longevity is the ability to live a long and healthy life, which is closely linked to the concept of healthy aging. By utilizing the latest advancements in science, we are able to understand the underlying mechanisms of aging and develop interventions that can promote a longer, healthier lifespan. 

When and how often should I do a biological age test?

We encourage everyone to complete a Biological Age Test before starting a certain therapy. Then, repeat the test again within the next 6-12 months to see how the therapy has impacted your aging process

We encourage everyone to complete a Biological Age Test! A biological age test give you information about your acctual health status of today. Knowledge always gives you the means to act in best possible way to prolong life. We recommend our customers to do the test again within the next 6-12 months to see how your lifestyle choices have impacted your aging process.

How do I interpret my results? 

After you've taken the biological age test, you will receive a personalized report detailing your Phenotypic Age and Chronological Age. Specifically, the difference between the two ages. 

If your Phenotypic Age is lower than your chronological age, keep up the great work! But don’t just stop here—take this opportunity to consider doing even more to increase the gap between your chronological age and Phenotypic age. Better sleep and diet, more exercise, and certain longevity treatments can all make an impact.

If your Phenotypic Age is equal to or higher than your chronological age, you have the opportunity to make improvements to your lifestyle, environment, and/or adherence to longevity protocols. The higher your Phenotypic Age, the more likely you may be to experience co-existing morbidities, physical functioning problems, and increased risk of coronary heart disease.

At what age should I start taking Vitalic Supplement 1?

VItalic is suited for young, middle-aged and elderly people. It is developed to slow down aging, a process that already starts from a young age. The most pronounced short-term effects will be noticed by older people, while the greatest anti-aging benefits will come from starting at a younger age.

How long do I have to take Vitalic Supplement 1 to extend my lifespan?

The longer you take Vitalic Supplement 1 the better. That way, the ingredients can continuously protect your cells and slow down the aging process.

It’s like eating healthy or exercising: doing a little will benefit your health, but doing it consistently for a long time will have a much more pronounced impact on your health. Similarly, Vitalic Supplement 1 can be taken for months to begin seeing some short-term benefits, but ideally you take it for years and let the health benefits accumulate over time.

Is Vitalic Supplement 1 safe?

The ingredients in Vitalic Supplement 1 are approved and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). In fact, many ingredients in Vitalic Supplement 1 have been used for decades without any significant side effects.

Examples are ingredients like alpha-ketoglutarate (often used by athletes to increase energy and stamina), Rhodiola rosea (often used to improve resistance against physical stress), and Quercetin (promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and combats oxidative stress). We specifically selected ingredients that are known to be very safe, and to have a very low side effect profile. 

Vitalic's first and foremost goal is to extend lifespan. In many studies, Vitalic's ingredients resulted in lifespan extension. This means that whatever impact the ingredients have on cellular functioning, ultimately they result in longer lifespans, which should be the most important clinical endpoint.

If you want to learn more about the longevity effects and science behind Vitalic, you can find more information and references here: 

Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG)
Coenzyme Q10
Rhodiola Rosea
Vitamin B complex